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Email: ceefwatf@chd.edu.cn / ceefwatf@nus.edu.sg

Professor Fwa is currently a Distinguished Professor at the School of Highway, Chang’an University. He was formerly professor and Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Director of the Center for Transportation Research at the National University of Singapore. He is the President of the Pavement Engineering Society of Singapore, former President of the International Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructure, member of Board of Directors of the International Society for Asphalt Pavements, Board member of the Eastern society for Transportation Studies, and founder of the International Conference on road and airfield Pavement Engineering. His area of research interest focuses on highway and airport pavement engineering, covering pavement design, pavement performance evaluation, and pavement management. He has published more than 200 international journal papers, and more than 200 international conference papers. He has been invited to lecture in more than 20 countries. His research has gained international recognitions with more than 10 best paper and research awards.